I have always loved the artiste by name Sia. She is actually my best so far, second to King Sark. I love her for a number of reasons but most paramount of all is for the fact that she does what she wants to do without much influence of the media. She has so many songs but relatively fewer music videos . Even her cover arts are unique, because she does not show her face, and is known for that. 
In one of her songs with the title “Bird Set Free”, she actually tells that she does not care if she sings off-key, because she finds herself in her melodies. She adds that she sings for love and for her, and she is as free as a bird set free. 

This is a life I wish to live but can’t. I started a number of things to share my real thoughts and ideas with people. All these, including my WhatsApp account have me checking and crosschecking everything I post. I do not wish to be careless but real. I cannot talk about others but I can only imagine the number of people living and walking in the same shoes as me. 

Are our acts and thoughts that scary? I know a number of people who think the same as me, but these people are very careful not to let anyone in on their ideas. Some people in a time or another have referred to either me or my ideas as radical, but they are mine all the same. 

I ask, is there a place for me in this world?, are those people who told me to write actually ready to tap into my world of darkness?, won’t they be the same people to put me to the cross when what they know about me becomes public knowledge and act like they never knew? . I love music and related knowledge, and almost everyone close to me knows this, but the moment I post anything related to music, many people troop in to tell me to take it down since it does not behove of my personality. Is this actually true?, what if by that, people get attracted and actually think that it is possible to be “youth” and still find acceptance in our society? Am I in this alone?

(I wrote it randomly and didn’t edit it at all, so forgive my mistakes)

GOTTA GO STUDY SMALL…….. meet you again soon!!!


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