

CAN I BE ME? I have always loved the artiste by name Sia. She is actually my best so far, second to King Sark. I love her for a number of reasons but most paramount of all is for the fact that she does what she wants to do without much influence of the media. She has so many songs but relatively fewer music videos . Even her cover arts are unique, because she does not show her face, and is known for that.  In one of her songs with the title “Bird Set Free”, she actually tells that she does not care if she sings off-key, because she finds herself in her melodies. She adds that she sings for love and for her, and she is as free as a bird set free.  This is a life I wish to live but can’t. I started a number of things to share my real thoughts and ideas with people. All these, including my WhatsApp account have me checking and crosschecking everything I post. I do not wish to be careless but real. I cannot talk about others but I can only imagine the number of people living and w...

Letter to Anti-Ahmadis

A LETTER TO ANTI-AHMADIS By the Grace of Allah, we have completed another decade. You tried to put an end to Ahmadiyyat once again in the past ten years. One of the early events of the decade was the Lahore Ahmadiyya Muslim Mosque attacks. Your leaders organized this attack and majority of your scholars did not speak up. Your leaders thought it would be the end of Ahmadiyyat. They broke the hearts of millions and spent this decade in our persecution. What did they gain other than humiliation from Allah the Almighty? We lost many more members of the Jama’at. Three Indonesian brothers were martyred in 2011. Master Abdul Qudoos sahib was martyred in 2012. Dr Mehdi Ali Qamar was martyred in 2014. Did this stop the growth of Ahmadiyyat? Not at all! Another decade has passed. Another decade of failure for the anti Ahmadis around the world. Ahmadiyyat continued to spread worldwide with millions of converts these past ten years, Alhamdulillah. Another decade has passed and the anti ...


GANG FIGHT😡 I passed through my high school quite peacefully. In Real Amass, my class was considered the “ladies’ class”, since it had so many ladies. My year group for example had twice the gents, plus a little more of the ladies. I cannot actually remember the exact figures though. Some called me “kubolor” which is the colloquial for, but not exactly the word “truant” in English. I disagree though, I just did not like sitting for long hours or following routine. More so, I had my ways of justifying my absenteeism in the class. Since this isn’t the reason for the work, I would save the explanations for later.  The topic might get you wondering whether I am probably here to talk about the effects of gang fights or something related to that, but no. I am giving an account of my involvement in a gang fight, and to express my unreserved pain, anger, feeling of stupidity and disappointment in my abilities after taking a reply to a punch in a bad way. It landed stra...
SURPRISING THINGS YOU DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT YOUR BODY  We tend to think that we know our own bodies perfectly, but in fact, the human body is one seriously complex and mysterious mechanism that sometimes confuses even the most qualified specialists. Check out these 15 fascinating facts about our bodies. BRAIN POWER Your brain accounts for only 2% of your body weight, yet it uses 20% of the total oxygen and blood in your body. In a lifetime, your brain's long-term memory can hold up to 1 quadrillion (1 million billion) bits of information and also operated roughly by the same amount of power as a 10-Watt light bulb.  HUMAN EYE If the human eye was a digital camera, it would've been 576 megapixels. Currently, the most expensive digital camera in the world has 200 megapixels. DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA)   If uncoiled, the DNA in all of your body's cells would stretch 10 billion miles. That's long enough to reach from here to Pluto…. and ba...

PUBLIC THOUGHTS (A Gym Instructor)

PUBLIC THOUGHTS A GYM INSTRUCTOR WRITES... Just before asking for money to clear medical bills. He said "so, you have nothing better to do with your life than operate a gym?". Most people haven't had the chance to get the exposure some of us have had so I didn't reply with a sarcastic comment because I knew he was speaking out of lack of knowledge . I gave him the money and fought the urge to tell him,  the venture you just disrespected is what just paid for your treatment. We live in a society where people don't believe in dreams and talents. For this reason, capable people do not support ventures that are not conventional. If you go asking for support, it better be about education, or money for marriage or your child's outdooring, medical bills. The such like. For these reasons, most young people go out looking for educational scholarships because thats the only form of support they will ever get. Most of them don't even know what to do with the...

Public Thoughts

PUBLIC THOUGHTS Wa West records 361 teenage pregnancies in 9 months. Now let me break down the numbers for you: Everyday 1.32 school going children get pregnant everyday ie 4 school going children get pregnant every 3 days. According to the National Population and Housing census, the population of Wa West is 81,348. And averagely 55% of our population are under the ages of 24. So let’s do a very crude of unscientific maths, about 25% of the population should be between 10-19 years so the number of people between the ages of 10-19 is 20,337 and that of the girls within this range is 10,122. This means that 4% of girls in the Wa West district got pregnant in 9 months. This is where I throw in the hammer, our religious bodies are more interested in fighting CSE than teenage pregnancy in Ghana. Now, out of the 4%, many and various were impregnated by religious leaders and teachers. My dear friends, these are the hypocritical people fighting the CSE as if they are the holiest on t...

Taxi Time One

EPISODE 01  THE SADDENED DAUGHTER Under the same title, I would be presenting my experiences in commercial vehicles. Not just in taxis but in buses, mini vans, and even flights.  I would also present from time to time, happenings right before and right after getting aboard, which demand sharing. I would also talk about some personal reflections during such times. In this first episode, I would talk about one of my experiences in a taxi from Agbogba to Madina junction, all suburbs of Accra in Ghana. It was on the 17 th day of August this year and I had to report to school on this same day so I was floating in my own thoughts. I boarded this taxi and after about 10 minutes’ drive, another woman came aboard the same taxi. She engaged in a conversation with the other passenger and the driver. As usual, I got busy on my phone since I am not a fun of conversation with random people in taxis. After a while, the woman had a phone call which caught my attention. ...